Space habitats

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Stanford torus 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg space habitat
A pair of O'Neill cylinder habitats
Inside a large landscaped cylindrical habitat (credit: Eric Bruneton)

Space is a very harsh environment and it may be hard to imagine wanting to live in such a seemingly bleak place, but taming it is only a matter of some (admittedly fairly serious) engineering and is entirely within our current technical capability.

There are many challenges to enable building these towns and cities off-Earth. Two prominent ones are raw materials and gravity. A colony of any size will have to be self-sufficient in materials as it will not be practical to ship them up from the surface of the Earth due to the enormous energy required to climb against its pull. Escaping this pull long-term also causes major problems for the human body. Muscles get very weak, including the heart, and bones de-mineralise. The only real solution is to generate artificial gravity by rotation – even for Moon-bases if people are going to stay for any length of time.

There have been many studies over the past thirty years to understand what kind of habitats could be built and what size constraints there are based on current engineering knowledge. Surprisingly in the 1970s the answer was that using bridge and ship-building techniques it would possible to build cylindrical mega-structures up to 30 kilometres long and 6 kilometres in diameter, with a single one able to comfortably house several million people.

Being mega-scale engineering projects, it is not hard to see that similar techniques used in the habitat's construction could be used to make the interiors of these habitats be like beautiful places on Earth, such as rolling green English countryside. Some designs even have enough atmosphere inside them to make the sky appear blue.


Lunar mass driver which could be used to launch mined material from the moon into lunar orbit using solar power

It would be far too inefficient to built these huge structures from material brought up from the surface of the Earth, so for orbiting colonies near Earth it has been proposed to use material mined from the moon or near-Earth objects 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg (particular asteroids and comets) and transported to where it needs to be using solar powered mass-drivers 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg.

Food, water and oxygen

Areca palm, Snake plant 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg and money plant 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg are exceptional for their ability to create clean, fresh air for people [1]. A human can survive in a sealed environment with just four plants like these. The application of this to space habitats is obvious.

Aeroponics, as discussed here, can be used to grow plants in space. An aeroponic greenhouse could easily provide all the air and food space-dwelling humans need. Conservatively, this would require 20m2 per person, perhaps as little as 10m2.


Low Earth orbit

The easiest place to get to from Earth is low earth orbit, although due to the Earth's strong gravitational pull it requires enormous amounts of energy to bring material up from the surface and one could not be classed as self-sufficient here, however the views are pretty good.

Geosynchronous orbit

In a geosynchronous orbit 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg the habitat would hover the same spot on Earth which would mean that one would have the same day / night cycle as on the surface which is an important consideration with human physiology.

Lunar orbit

In lunar orbit the moon is within easy reach but the habitat will be subject to the moons two-week long day / night cycles which might not be to everyone's taste, although of course the normal light rhythms can be replicated internally with lighting.

Surface of the moon

The surface of the moon provides a continent-sized area to inhabit and somewhere to 'get outside'. However it is not clear that the one-sixth of Earth's gravity here is enough to stop degredation of the human body over extended periods, but this could be overcome by having large circular habitats that rotate to simulate a 1G environment.

Lagrangian points

Near Earth asteroids

Solar orbit

Venus atmosphere

Venus surface

Mars moons

Mars orbit

Surface of Mars

Terraforming. We need three things: heat, oxygen and water. Global warming science can be applied to figure out how to make Mars warmer. Releasing enough CFCs into the atmosphere should work in theory. Oxygen could be supplied by culturing bacteria that can release it from metallic oxides, or by using advanced automation to build large-scale plants to release the oxygen using industrial processes.

There is plenty of water frozen below the surface. further info on terraforming

Asteroid Belt


(Water ice)

Other moons

Many to choose from. Enceladus around Saturn. Europa around Jupiter.

Types of habitat

  • Stanford torus
  • O'Neill cylinder
  • Crater bubble
  • Rotating moonbase for 1G
  • Hollowed out asteroid
  • Zero-G station
  • Rotating dumbell

Further information

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