Education/Compiling the best educational material

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For every module of every subject there must be at least one person in the world who has a gift for making that subject interesting. Not just just interesting, but truly rivetting, and relevant.

We should record these peoples' material with their help. OK, it's simplistic but imagine if nearly everything that you learnt was as interesting as watching a David Attenborough nature documentary (you might only know of these if you are British!). Of course learning is a two way process and this material could easily be made interactive.

Other people have a gift for writing or making diagrams, images, animations or games in ways that make it as easy as possible to understand the concept in question. These talented people should be sought out and encouraged to contribute their knowledge to open content educational projects so it can be built upon and offered freely to anyone who wishes to use it.

Teachers if they wish could then use this material where appropriate and use their own skills to check it has been understood and elaborate further where necessary.