Welcome to AdCiv.org :: Advanced Civilisation through 'Post-Scarcity' :: Post-Scarcity through Open Design and Advanced Automation
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This website exists to explore, develop and disseminate ideas and solutions to help bring forward a true post-scarcity age for the benefit of all, based on the key enabling concepts of open collaborative design and advanced automation, along with other key ideas to help ensure a bright future for humanity.
-- CharlesC. Sep 2005
What AdCiv.org is and isn't
AdCiv is not intended as a general wiki on the topic of post-scarcity, nor is it to be an inclusive directory of any/every organisation that claims to be related to post-scarcity in some way - however we are of course be happy to link to those that are particularly relevant.
AdCiv is a particular exploration of what is possible when combining the topics shown in the site map - and the related issues that stem from them.
The principles and vision here are based on known and emerging science and technology, and the ever evolving machinations of the free and open-source movement.
Work in progress
This website is very much a work in progress so if you come across a page or section that looks half finished, then it probably is...
See also