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This 'discussion page' is currently used to hold notes for the development of this website (however it can still be used for discussion)

Carbon might replace copper in many applications [1]

'Less material' frame (see hidden code on article page). Needs to fit in better

See also:

Mining in vast monotonous abyssal plains under the sea with minimum destruction to nature


Water purification

Another list of elemental abundance showing that by volume oxygen is an amazing 94.2% [2]

Interesting ephemeralisation essay:

Fossil hydrocarbons

(Was part of intro but needs to go somewhere else perhaps):

Fossil hydrocarbons are a limited resource, many would argue, but with regard to energy there are vastly more plentiful and greener sources available; and as a feedstock for plastics and other useful petrochemical derived materials, renewable biomass 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg, biotechnology 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg and even organic synthesis 11px-Wikipedia_logo.jpg could replace our reliance on crude oil if necessary. Our current heavy use of fossil fuel is due to convenience and the fact that current economics make the alternatives appear less viable in comparison. However conventional economics distorts the perception of what is possible and simply dictates what is easier when working within the current framework that we have inherited from times past.