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This 'discussion page' is currently used to hold notes for the development of this website (however it can still be used for discussion) |
Combined section on Computer-controlled flexible manufacturing techniques
Great picture of engine block being milled: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Vertikalbearbeitungszentrum_Hermle_C_30_U.jpg
Fortune magazine article on Gershenfeld: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2006/11/13/8393124/index.htm
Build your own pcb mill http://web.mit.edu/kumpf/www/pcbmill.html
Build your own cnc machine http://www.engadget.com/2006/06/29/how-to-build-your-own-cnc-machine-part-1/
Solid metal parts: http://www.gizmag.co.uk/go/5312. ARCAM electron-Beam Melting (EBM). Layer thickness 0.05mm
Nanotech as ultimate fabrication system (although not possible yet)
- Rapid injection mouldings, vac forming etc
Loughborough uni automated house building (and decorating I think too)
3D scanning
Even 3D printing of replacement human organs using cells
Keywords: Solid freeform fabrication
Metadata associated with designs
What are the limits with size?
- Jigsaw shaped metal pieces that fit together, then welded under computer control - could make extremely strong structures of almost any size.
- Other modular building blocks
- http://www.itg.uiuc.edu/exhibits/iotw/2007-03-13
- MEMS / Biotechnology
- How is this for high resolution? http://www.physorg.com/news4295.html
- Molecular nanotechnology